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In Congress, July 4, 1776

THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHEN, in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of... [Continue Reading]

Catholic college commencement wars: 2006

The Cardinal Newman Society says that the war over commencements at Catholic colleges is getting better. In 2006, CNS research uncovered problems at 24 colleges with speakers or honorees who publicly advocated for abortion rights, embryonic stem... [Continue Reading]

When is a partner not a partner?

Yesterday, an Indiana judge ruled that Planned Parenthood has to turn over medical records on 84 underage girls who may have been pregnant before turning 14. In Indiana the age of consent is 14, thus for them to be pregnant means that they were... [Continue Reading]

Haiti, pervert, Gumbleton, and jailbreak

This is too weird. A self-admitted child molester who was laicized at his own request, but was involved with a Catholic ministry with ties to many different dioceses in the US was arrested in Haiti, where he was being visited by the notoriously... [Continue Reading]

Sin or sickness?

If you were a bishop what would be your first reaction to finding out that one of your priests had violated his vow of chastity as well as the demands of Christian morality by engaging in sexual misconduct, that nonetheless did not break any laws... [Continue Reading]

No gays, says bishop; they’re okay, says priest

Bishop John D’Arcy of Fort Wayne, Indiana, was in his old stomping grounds in Boston over the weekend, creating a bit of controversy by publicly stating that men with a homosexual orientation should not be ordained. ‘‘We must be... [Continue Reading]

Why I don’t work for a diocesan newspaper

Here’s a story of one guy’s experience working at a diocesan newspaper. Perhaps there’s some exaggeration, perhaps not. (That the article appears in The Remnant is not a great endorsement for me.) But it does track with other... [Continue Reading]

Sick, just sick

It doesn’t get much worse than Fr. Robert Meffan. He’s unrepentant and thinks what he did was right. Read the details for yourself, but in summary, he had sex with teen girls thinking of the religious life “to show them ... that... [Continue Reading]

The dissenters

Among the 7 bishops who voted against approving the news Vatican-revised norms was Bishop Gerald Gettlfinger of Evansville, Indiana. His stated reason for opposition was that the policy doesn’t give a bishop discretion to reinstate a priest... [Continue Reading]

