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How I Work in 2018

[lead dropcap="yes"]It’s been three years since I first did a “How I Work” blog post (at the prompting of Tom McDonald) and since then I moved to a different full-time job and then to another (current) full-time job, where what I do is now almost... [Continue Reading]

The Catholic Item on McDonald’s Menu

[lead dropcap="yes"]There is one item on the menu of the world's largest restaurant chain that owes its existence to Catholic piety and penance: The McDonald's Filet-O-Fish. I don't think that's any surprise to my Catholic friends, but it is... [Continue Reading]

Moving from Expression Engine 1 to WordPress

Earlier this year I moved my blog from the content management system Expression Engine (the older 1.x, not the newer 2.x version) to WordPress. I had been planning to do the same for Melanie’s blog this summer but didn’t get around to it... [Continue Reading]

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

A Saint for the Youth of the Third Millennium “In this trying time that our country is going through we Catholics and especially we students, have a serious duty to fulfill: our self-formation. [...] We, who by the grace of God are Catholics... must... [Continue Reading]

Say hello to Lucia Rose

Meet my new daughter, Lucia Rose. She was born today, 1/3/13 at 1300 (i.e. 1 p.m.). She was 7lbs, 2oz, and 18–1/2 inches long and had a full head of dark brunette hair. Lucia shares a birthday with my favorite author, J.R.R. Tolkien, born this... [Continue Reading]

Best iOS App Updates of 2012

I gave you my Favorite iOS Apps of 2012 earlier and one of my criteria for that post was that they would all be apps that either came out in 2012 or that I discovered in 2012. But there are a few additional apps that have been around for a while and... [Continue Reading]

Backup strategy: Protect what’s irreplaceable

[lead dropcap="yes"]A friend recently asked me about backing up his Mac. He’s been using the built-in Time Machine feature that’s a part of OS X, which is indeed a good basic backup solution, but he identified its flaw, which is that if the backup... [Continue Reading]

